Sunday, June 9, 2013

I have decided after several warnings from a few of my friends to shut down my Facebook account. Now I am not one to become  paranoid or fearful for my safety , but last night after a Ragen day dinner , one of my dearest friends said I should be careful for my wife's safety . I will be writing my thoughts and voicing my opinions ( yes I know everyone has one just like they have an *** hole) .

Why Privacy Matters Even if You Have 'Nothing to Hide'

My question the other day which a few of you also echoed was where are our marching orders , what can we do to stem this tide of apathy and ignorance? Well I have a challenge for all you patriots who sit in the computer cockpit and bitch away.

I will call it the diary of patriotism , we each get a little note pad and we list some very simple common values and goals want to see in order to effect a change in the nations direction. We then list the most glaring abuses by our current government.

Now here is where the lifting begins. Going about your daily business strike up a conversation with the guy sitting next to you in the coffee house or on the bus or at the movies. You get the point. The only way we can reclaim our freedoms is to effect a conversation with the truths. Now this will make a lot of you very UNconfortable , well the reason we have arrived in this quagmire we call our government is because we have been taking to easy way around the fight.

I intend to take it one more step have ready a resource for your new found student. There are many out there.
Or get or give an e-mail address and encourage to continue to communicate about up coming legislation in your state.
We can not just keep hoping things will change, and we can not keep hoping there will be a SUPER HERO come along that will
Fix everything. It took a long time to slip into this socialist Nanny state, it will take a while to educate those who have been brainwashed by our federal school system infected with socialists.


Eric Hildebrandt said...

I read you 5x5....

Sandi B said...

I completely agree, Bombdog. As Mark Levin commented the other day, we need a plan for affecting a change in our government. It's not good enough to just sit and hope that change will come. Many of us mocked Obama for his "hope & change" slogan in 2008. Now we see that he and his minions had a plan to fundamentally transform the country. Of course, a big part of that plan was to mislead and lie to the electorate. Whether we work through the Republican party to help elect good conservative patriots or build a third party, it will take a coordinated effort. Thanks for leading the charge!